Saturday 10 March 2012

Unanalysed fresh speed poetry 10/3/12

As the Samsara tricks,
Augusts and lost winters
fall and slip,

Indebted indeed the masculine steed
who's march does much to suffer face
but to suffocate, be but saving grace-
in order to escalate and capitualte the unasphyxiation;
one must under, succumb to the 

to the tatter and thrash, the
plunketting junction of 
flutter, the
wrestled-wash of the rollicking rash,
the wrath of washing-spears tip sunk through the butter

On the pancake of grace,
We wipe the crumbs surrounding the face,
Played by the sunlit place,
We sit in vinyl, amidst of our chase.

As the decembers and weather,
sweeps the crop on its way
As we as wheat, we stand and we sway,
So the melted hour-glass drips,
And so the Samsara ticks,

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